Sunday, June 24, 2018

How to Choose a Violin Teacher for Your Child

Whether looking for someone to teach violin, cello or a flugelhorn, the teacher is vitally important to how well your child learns. Here are search tips.

The unfortunate aphorism, “Those who can’t, teach,” is largely untrue and completely misleading where it comes to music instruction. A large number of accomplished musicians - those who play in major philharmonic orchestras - also teach in schools as well as privately.

According to a study by Music School Central, a music college admissions advising firm, “being versatile is probably the best bet to making money as a musician,” says founder Bill Zuckerman. “The majority of successful musicians I know teach, arrange, compose and play in an ensemble.” He cites one study of recent graduates with music performance or music education degrees, more than half of who found work in performance or education within four months of graduation.

So the matter of finding talented teachers, even for beginners, should not be a problem, particularly in markets large enough to support professional musical organizations (orchestras, ensembles, commercial music production and even cover bands). The question might be, “where do I find the right instructor for my child?”

As an exercise, let’s boil that down to finding a violin teacher for a beginner or intermediate student (advanced students generally know the ropes, or perhaps strings, well enough to figure this out on their own). Here are the topmost suggestions (and the same ideas apply to study of the viola, cello, bass and virtually every other instrument):

Ask friends, trusted educators and staff at the local violin shop. Particularly for beginners, ask about violin teachers who successful inspire children who are picking up a stringed instrument for the first time. The violin maker at the local violin shop will likely know many violin teachers, for example, and might have a sense of how many of them find joy in teaching. If that doesn’t yield satisfactory results, try the American String Teachers Association. They have a search function by location, instrument (viola, brass, woodwind, etc.).

Ask questions. The teacher who is good for student A might not be the best for student B. As the parent, you know your child’s level of interest and discipline. Ask questions of a prospective teacher that have to do with your child. How much practice (hours per day/week) will make for a good student? At what junctures (quarterly?) should we check in on progress? Have you worked with a student with these characteristics (age, academic performance in other subjects, affinity for certain styles of music, etc.)?

Ask for references. Once you identify a potential teacher, you want to know what the experience of other parents and their students have been. This may not always be successful as some teachers will be reluctant to share information about existing students, but that will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

A final note from the Music Teachers National Association: “Parental support in the learning process is vital. Whether or not you know anything about music, take time to listen to your child play, provide exclusive practice time on a quality instrument, and celebrate his or her continued accomplishments.”

An Examination of Carbon Fiber Bows

All stringed instrument players know the importance of a good bow. But how do carbon fiber bows stand up to Pernambuco, Brazilwood, fiberglass and composites?

The history of fine violins, violin making - and violas and cellos for that matter - is rich with craftsmanship applied to all-natural materials, varying types of wood, horsehair and natural varnish to be specific. So it may seem almost heretical to talk about manmade materials such as carbon fiber for use in fine music.

Chalk it up to human ingenuity that, sometimes, what is manufactured from minerals and other resources can serve an artistic purpose. This is not to say that carbon fiber bows are perfect substitutes for wood bows - they are not - but for several reasons the manmade material is embraced by serious musicians, either as their primary bow or as a backup for certain kinds of playing.

Ask around at your preferred violin shop - they may well have clientele who use wood and carbon fiber, depending on the occasion. Even the most traditional violin maker will stock these carbon fiber bows in their shops.

Here are the advantages carbon fiber bows have over their wood (Pernambuco, Brazilwood) and other synthetic material (fiberglass or composites) counterparts:

Sound - Serious musicians almost universally prefer the Pernambuco bow for a richer and more nuanced timbre or resonance. But some will keep a carbon fiber bow for outdoor playing, or for playing within a large orchestra; they save their wood bow for chamber music where the violin, cello or viola voice is more pronounced.

Sturdy yet lightweight - As a manmade material also used in sports (e.g., carbon fiber tennis racquets), it should be obvious that carbon fiber bows can stand up to rigorous handling (e.g., travel). They are also considered strong at the tip and some prefer it altogether for playing.

Resilient to humidity and humidity changes - Organic materials such as wood will expand and contract, depending on the relative humidity of where it is. This is a problem for musicians who might travel from arid Los Angeles to perform in humid Washington, DC, or from climate-controlled rehearsals to outdoor events on sultry summer nights. A wood bow would expand with humidity, requiring adjustment of string tension - but a carbon fiber bow would be unchanged.

Reasonable cost - Expect to pay about $300 for a carbon fiber bow, give or take. The price is largely stable because it doesn’t depend on rare wood availability.

Sustainable - Both Pernambuco and Brazilwood come from Brazil, but deforestation there has severely cut the supply of the former and had the effect of driving the price up. Brazilwood is a term for a range of woods and as such they are in greater supply. Purchasing a carbon fiber bow could be considered an act of preservation of the Pernambuco tree (note: the Brazilian government is working to save the species).

Not to be confused with fiberglass and composites - These are the lowest cost types of bows, encouraged for beginner students or more casual players.

Factors affecting the choice and preference for a bow type include the instrument itself and the musician. Darkness and lightness of sound, speed of play, weight and balance all factor in. The best advice is to try both wood and carbon fiber bows to get a sense of the differences and similarities.

German Violinmaking: The Hopf Family

While early members of this dynasty created violins that have endured for hundreds of years, later industrious Hopfs also were successful at...